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How To Save Money on Online Pet Medication at a Canadian Pharmacy

You can shop online for just about anything today, from groceries and subscription services to clothing and online pet medication. At least 73% of households in Canada have a pet and pets get sick and get injured. This means that people are taking their pets to see the vet and treatments including prescriptions can become costly.

The cost of caring for a pet can be significant. And when your pet is sick or injured, the costs can rise quickly. The good news is that there are ways to save money on your pet’s medication and still keep them healthy.

Depending on your pet’s needs, you have several options for buying their medications online. At a Canadian online pharmacy, you will often find lower prices than what you would pay at a pet medical center. You may also be able to get them even cheaper by using manufacturer coupons and other promo codes.

So, you might be wondering how you can get discounted medication for your furry friend. Keep reading to find out how an online pharmacy can benefit your wallet and your pet. 

How to Get the Best Deal on Online Pet Medication From a Canadian Pharmacy

It’s no secret that pet medications will almost always be cheaper online than in your veterinarian’s office. You have to also think about the other ways that you save when purchasing online as well. Not only do you get a variety of high-quality products at discounted rates, but you also get the luxury of delivery.

Oftentimes, both shipping and delivery are free. In the case that it’s not, paying a small shipping fee along with the medication would still be cheaper getting it online than at a veterinary clinic. To get the best deals online, there isn’t too much strategy that has to go into it.

As long as pet owners have a reliable hub for ordering their pet’s prescriptions, they don’t have to keep up with price checking or product hunting. Online pharmacies in Canada always offer unbeatable prices. They also make the prescriptions easy to get in record time along with careful packaging and home deliveries.

Why Are Pet Medications So Expensive?

Billions are spent on pets in Canadian households. This does take into account the price for pet food as well. The main culprit for such a high collective price usually has to do with veterinary services.

Of course, this does provide an umbrella for first and periodic shots, general checkups, and emergent care but medication is one of the main factors. The thing with medication is that depending on the injury or illness your pet has experienced, that need for the medication could be ongoing for a period of time.

This means that certain pet medications are not always a one-time purchase for all pet owners. It could very well be a recurring expense. While 51% of dog owners in Canada say that their pets are in excellent health, this may not include how proactive they decide to be.

For example, some dog owners might give their dogs preventative vitamins or beneficial additives to their food or water. These are all things that could contribute to the high prices. There’s also less than 3% of pet owners that actually have pet medical insurance.

This immediately raises the issue of high pharmaceutical prices that pet owners can expect. Online pet medication may also become more expensive based on the demand for the product and the availability of it.

An online pharmacy, however, is a great way to have an actual eye on the inventory that would be available. This doesn’t only provide pet owners with the medication they need, this also provides significant savings in both time and money.

How to Save Money on Online Pet Medication

Saving money on medication for your pet doesn’t have to be difficult or out of reach. It may be hard to have your vet prescribe medication at their rates. It might be even harder to find on-the-aisle options that could be used as proper alternatives.

Combining money-saving tactics with the right platform for a primary resource could be the best way to save on the medication that your pet needs. Let’s take a closer look at some of the ways you could potentially save money on your pet’s prescriptions.

Use a Pet Medication Co-Pay Plan

Another way to save money on pet medication is to use a medication coplan. Terms with something like this would usually be included with your pet’s policy. Pharmaceuticals are usually another specialty area within your policy aside from surgeries and other forms of treatment.

Make Your Orders Together

Try to consolidate your orders. If you know that your pet needs a certain medication along with other things, try to limit the orders you make in one sitting. Oftentimes you can get discounts when you purchase more items, this can also help with shipping times for multiple things if your pet has more than one medication they need.

Shop With Rebates and Promotions

Using rebates and promotions are good ways to get temporary discounts on items. The good thing about getting pet medication online is that the discounts aren’t just temporary. This means that it’s like taking advantage of a promotion every time you need to shop for your pet’s medication.

Rebates are usually beneficial for those that use them. They can help consumers save money, establish a better rapport with the pharmacy, and increase the accessibility and affordability of certain drugs pet owners might need for their pets.

Pair Your Discounts With Your Insurance

You may already have insurance for your pet. Depending on how your policy works, you might have the opportunity to be reimbursed for money that you spend on your pet’s medications or you might be able to take advantage of other benefits.

By combining the savings that your insurance might give you with that of an online pharmacy, you might be able to save across the board on your pet’s entire health plan. This will also give you more than one option. For example, if your pet’s insurance policy doesn’t cover a certain medication or a certain prescription range, you could use a Canadian online pharmacy to combat the expensiveness.

Not Taking Advantage of Savings

Some of the top reasons why pets need to see a vet are due to growths, ear and eye infections, skin conditions, and stomach issues. A lot of the time, illness and injury to pets are preventable. Just as many cases aren’t.

Medications that you might get to treat your pet’s condition almost always cost more than what it would’ve cost to be proactive. However, just like with anything else, sometimes things happen. While we can’t always control what may happen to our pets, we can start to take control over how much we pay for the medicines they need.

For some vet visits, your pet may need to be seen due to unexplained pain. What’s even worse is that some things may not be an actually emergency but still requires your pet to be evaluated. This is also something we can’t control because safety does come first.

But for the things that do end up being emergencies or that require a prescription to be taken over a couple of weeks or longer, that bill can greatly fluctuate in price.

What Do Pet Expenses Look Like in Canada?

The cost of owning a pet ranges well into the thousands when you think of the average things associated with pet ownership. Aside from essentials, food, and veterinary care, the price generally starts in the higher ranges. Once you include other things such as pet sitters, a dog walker, additional treats, and chip insertion, the price starts to skyrocket.

In British Columbia for example, pet owners will spend close to $1200 on average just on their pet’s health. Also, if you consider emergency veterinary services, you know that those prices can easily double or triple. For example, emergency surgery for your pet could cost as high as $10,000.

Get the Best for You and Your Pet

Pet owners in Canada are always looking for ways to get better deals on what their pet needs. Online pet medication is something that you can get right from the comfort of your home and have shipped and delivered to your home as well. Working with Canadian Pharmacy Online is a great way to cover your pet even when they’re not covered.

Pet owners shouldn’t have to succumb to paying for overpriced medications. To find out more about how we can help care for your pet, learn how to order today.

Works Cited:,much%20as%20any%20other%20generation.