cialis vs viagra cost
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Cialis vs Viagra Cost: Which Is More Affordable?

A study showed that 3 million Canadian men over the age of 40 struggled with ED. Erectile dysfunction is a very common issue, along with other prostate issues.

If you struggle with this kind of issue, you may be wondering about Cialis vs Viagra cost. Both of these medications are often used to treat the same issues but do have some differences.

The cost of Cialis and Viagra can be quite different. They can both be used to treat different prostrate issues depending on your symptoms.

Keep reading to find out more about Cialis vs Viagra cost and which is cheaper.

Are Cialis and Viagra the Same?

Cialis and Viagra are classed in the same group of drugs that are known as phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors. Because of this, they can often be used to treat the same problems.

There are some differences, however, so you may prefer one over the other. The most important thing is to take what your doctor recommends as they will have your full medical history.

Some men will react better to Viagra or Cialis depending on their prostrate problem. Although, both of these drugs are very well known for being used for erectile dysfunction.

Viagra Vs Cialis Prices

If you are trying to decide between Cialis or Viagra, you may be wondering about the cost. This is something that will often impact someone’s decision when it comes to medication.

Because these two medications act in the same way, you may be able to choose based on price. This can be very handy if you are on a budget but still need this medication.

It is important to understand that most insurance companies consider these drugs to be lifestyle drugs. That is because Viagra and Cialis are brand-name drugs that can be used recreationally.

Because of this, you may struggle to get your insurance to cover either of these options. Their insurance coverage is very scarce, and most patients do not have coverage for them.

This is something that you will need to look into in regard to your personal insurance. There are some generic brands of Cialis and Viagra that could be more affordable.

Cost of Viagra

Wondering how much is viagra? The cost of Viagra is going to depend on where you get your Viagra pills. Every pharmacy and store is going to have different prices depending on the area.

Prices can also change in a short amount of time. Because of this, it can be difficult to nail down a specific amount that you can depend on paying.

Some places may even charge as much as $50-$70 per Viagra tablet. That is why it is so important to find an affordable pharmacy where you can get Viagra at an affordable cost.

Pharmacies like Canadian Pharmacy Online provide this option by giving you the best prices. You can get 28 100mg Viagra tablets for $200.

If you choose to get a generic brand of Viagra, you would only pay $35 for 30 100 mg tablets.

Cost of Cialis

If you choose to go with Cialis, you need to know about the Cialis cost. This is another name-brand ED medication that can get quite pricey depending on where you go.

To buy 28 5mg Cialis tablets could cost as much as $456.25. But if you buy them at Canadian Pharmacy Online, this will only cost you $99 in total.

The generic brand of Cialis is much cheaper, only costing $35 for 30 tablets. As you can see, there are definitely more affordable options that you can take advantage of.

Most people are able to find much more affordable prices when shopping online. There are many online pharmacies available now and they usually offer the best prices available.

This also depends on whether you choose a name brand or a generic brand. For the most part, both brands provide the same results, just at different prices.

Is Cialis or Viagra Better?

Now that you know more about Cialis vs Viagra cost comparisons, you may want to know more about them. These drugs are very similar, and you may not know which one is the best option for you.

There have been many clinical trials conducted around Viagra and Cialis. These trials have shown them both to be similarly safe and effective for men.

If you are getting your medication through a doctor, they should be able to give you some advice. It is always a good idea to get your doctor’s recommendations before making your decision.

Because Viagra and Cialis are so similar, there’s no way to say which one is better. Everyone reacts differently to medication, and one may be a better option for you.

The main difference that you may want to know about is that Cialis lasts much longer than Viagra. Viagra typically lasts for four hours after you have taken the tablet.

A Cialis dose can last up to 36 hours, which is significantly more. Because of this, Cialis is a better long-term option than Viagra typically is.

It is also common to see Cialis prescribed for the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. This is used much more commonly than Viagra since Viagra is usually just prescribed for ED.

Cialis Vs Viagra Cost Comparisons

If you need an ED medication, you may be wondering about the Cialis vs Viagra cost options. Especially if you are on a budget and cannot afford expensive medications each month.

Do you want to have access to affordable Viagra or Cialis? Contact us today at Canadian Pharmacy Online for access to the best medication prices.

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