Our Medical

Meet our dedicated medical reviewers, the guardians of accuracy and integrity in our health content.

Samuel Maaiah

Samuel Maaiah

PharmD | RPh

Dr. Maaiah is a PharmD graduate who has practiced both in pharmaceutical consulting and retail pharmacy. His interests include consulting and the development and approval of new therapeutics. He currently works as a Medical Information Consultant (MIC) and as a retail pharmacist. As a MIC he helps pharmaceutical companies with projects and by consulting as a medical information expert. When Dr. Maaiah is not working, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends, doing outdoor activities, working out, and reading.

Dr. Meena Mattamana

Dr. Meena Mattamana


Meena Mattamana is Enterprise Pharmacy Regulatory Manager and Medication Safety at the Presbyterian Hospital in New York. She was a pharmacy student at the University of Colorado who has had clinical experiences in both community and ambulatory care settings. Her pharmacy interests include administration, psychiatry, and women’s health. She has experience as a medical information consultant and medical writer along with being a clinic pharmacist.