Priligy (Dapoxetine)

Rx Prescription Required

Buy Priligy (Dapoxetine) online from our certified online pharmacy. We offer up 90% discount prices compared to your local pharmacy.

Dapoxetine 30mg
Sun Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Priligy 30mg
A. Menarini Pharma
Priligy 60mg
A. Menarini Pharma

Buy Priligy Online

Priligy can be found on the internet much more easily and cheaply. The right source is If you have a prescription that is written genuinely by your doctor, send it to use first. Once approved, we will send Priligy tablets to you. We can be contacted by phone on 1-800-828-4889 or live by clicking on our Canadian Pharmacy Online CHAT tool. A customer care agent will respond quickly and attend to your needs. There is also a How to Order guide on our website that contains enough details about our service. Make sure you read it well. The maximum amount that can be ordered is a three month supply of medication based on your prescription.

Dosages Available

The brand Priligy is made by Janssen-Ortho as a product of Turkey. The generic, Dapoxetine, is made by Sun Pharm. Ltd as a product of India. We have this item in two dosages, 30mg and 60mg.

Priligy Pricing

Priligy has a small price on We sell it for *** only. If you purchase it at your local drugstore in the US, you will pay a higher average retail price for it. Hence, getting on our website means that you can save an amount equal to $. The medicines will be shipped directly to your door so you can avoid getting them at a local drugstore where you are likely to stand in the queue for hours. To discover more about this service, or speak to a customer care rep, calls us on 1-800-828-4889.


Priligy will be shipped from Turkey or Mauritius to the US in 10 to 18 business day and within 10 to 18 business days. Once shipped, a notification will be sent via email. No shipping rate will be charged.

Priligy Information

Priligy is a prescribed medicine for treating premature ejaculation in males. It enables the victims delay their orgasms and ejaculate long after penetration. Priligy can assist many couples who are tackling the problem of premature ejaculation.

How To Use

Priligy is designed to be taken about one to three hours prior to having sexual intercourse. Swallow it whole rather than crush, chew or break it. Take with a full glass of water too, and drink a lot of fluids to avoid developing intolerable side effects. Ensure that you take the medicine less than 3 times every week. This will help reduce your risk of having side effects. This medicine is only for males aged 18 to 64 years of age. Take just one 30 mg tablet before sexual intimacy. You should not take more than one tablet in 24 hours.

Side Effects

Priligy can cause the following common side effects:

  • Dizziness as the medicine can lower your blood pressure. Keep your body hydrated to avoid this
  • Nausea
  • Restlessness
  • Anxiety


Take Priligy only if it is safe to use. Hence, avoid it if you are under the age of 18 years. Also, tell the doctor or pharmacist that you have:

  • An allergy to dapoxetine
  • A heart problem, including heart failure or cardiac arrhythmias
  • A fainting disorder you live with
  • Severe depression or Manic depression
  • Any medicines, prescribed or non-prescribed, you could be taking now
  • A drinking problem as alcohol can worsen the side effects of Priligy.


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