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17 Proven Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

You’re not feeling like yourself lately. Your mind seems to be working against you. Your mental health has plummeted.

That’s why you’re here: you’re looking for advice on mental health care. Fortunately, we can give you that advice. So, without further ado, here are 17 proven ways to improve your mental health.

1. Get Ample Sleep

One of the quickest ways to deplete your mental health is to subject yourself to sleep deprivation. Sleep is vital to good mental health.

You should be getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night, ideally around the same time every night. This sleep should be undisturbed, with only the occasional wake-up to go to the bathroom.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, try making the room a little colder. The body sleeps better in a cold room than it does in a hot one. You could also consider employing melatonin or a white noise machine.

2. Exercise

Sleep might be the most vital factor in maintaining good mental health. However, exercise is a close second. Not only does exercise help to reduce anxiety and depression but it also improves the mood.

You should be exercising, at a minimum, 4 days a week for 30 minutes at a time. This exercise should be of the cardiovascular variety, which includes running, brisk walking, bicycling, and the like.

Resistance training can be beneficial as well but should not take precedence over cardio.

3. Watch a Comedy

Humor can do a lot for a person’s mindset, helping to combat the effects of depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. As such, if you want to improve your mental health, you should watch a comedy.

Watching comedy movies a few times a week will give you opportunities to just sit down and shut your mind off for a while. Moments like these are important, especially if your life is a responsibility-filled and stressful one.

4. Pick Up a New Hobby

In life, many of us tend to get stuck in loops. We get ready, go to work, come home, eat, sleep, and then do it all over again. Suffice to say, this isn’t much of an existence. It’s not at all uncommon for this type of lifestyle to have a negative impact on a person’s mental health.

For this reason, if you don’t already have one, you should pick up a new hobby. Whether that hobby is playing a musical instrument or building model cars or learning carpentry, it doesn’t matter. It will provide purpose to your life, giving you something to look forward to.

Not to mention, getting better at something is bound to spark good feelings in your brain. These good feelings can be monumental in combating mental health issues.

5. Volunteer

Another way to improve your mental health is to volunteer for something. Volunteering not only gives you the good feeling of helping others but it also brings you closer to your fellow human beings, helping to spur on friendships. Friendship and human interaction are vital to good mental health.

There are all sorts of things you can do to volunteer. You can help at an animal shelter, give free lessons to at-risk kids, work at your local library, and much, much more. The options are essentially endless.

Ask around your friends and your family and see if there are any opportunities in your area. There just might be something that strikes your fancy.

6. Take in a Pet

If you’re equipped to take care of another living being, you might consider adopting a pet. Cats, dogs, and other pets can have a seismic positive impact on their owners’ mental health, helping to reduce the effects of depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems.

Not only do pets provide company whenever it’s needed, but they also give you something to take care of. The act of taking care of something can help to inspire good feelings.

Note, though, that you shouldn’t approach this lightly. Taking care of a pet is a big responsibility. If you aren’t able to handle this responsibility on a consistent basis, it shouldn’t be an option for you.

7. Explore Your Surroundings

In the rush of life, we tend to get tied down to our homes and our workplaces. Though there’s nothing inherently wrong with this, it can create a vicious cycle in which we struggle to go anywhere else. When this occurs, we can start to feel as though our lives are just passing us by.

The fix? Explore your surroundings!

Go to the park, eat at the new restaurant that just opened up, take a walk through the downtown portion of a nearby city. In short, get out there and experience the world. Having these new experiences will almost undoubtedly inspire good feelings in you, helping to get you through moments of anxiety, depression, and otherwise.

8. Prioritize Omega-3s

There is a fairly strong link between depression and schizophrenia and omega-3 fatty acids. Namely, if you don’t consume enough omega-3, you’ll have a greater risk for incurring the aforementioned conditions.

As such, you need to prioritize omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Where do you get these fatty acids? Fish, primarily.

Some fish that are high in omega-3 include tuna, salmon, mackerel, and sardines. You can also get it from fish oil supplements.

In addition, many nuts and plants contain omega-3 fatty acids. These include flaxseed oil, chia seeds, walnuts, and canola oil. Try to work these foods into your meals on a daily basis.

9. Force a Smile

It’s not always easy to smile when your mental health is overwhelming you. In fact, smiling during a mental health crisis might seem completely inconsequential. But we can assure you that it’s not.

Forcing a smile can actually help to slow down your heart rate, calming you in moments of high stress. It can also assist in altering your mindset, helping to dig you out of any funk that you might find yourself in.

10. Take a Walk

Walking can be beneficial as well. And we’re not talking about power walking. We’re talking about getting outside and taking a leisurely stroll.

This will get your blood pumping, thereby helping to reduce your stress and anxiety. It will also help to get you out around others, making you feel like a more social person.

If you really want to take it to the next level, consider walking in the woods. Being around nature can help to ease your mind while also increasing your energy levels and sense of well-being.

11. Forgive Those Who Have Wronged You

Forgiveness can be difficult, especially if someone has caused you serious harm. But, if you want to have good mental health, it’s also necessary.

In fact, holding grudges against others can lead to chronic anxiety and depression, amongst other conditions. And what do you get in return? In most cases, absolutely nothing. You hold a grudge while the other individual goes on with his or her life.

So, think about those with whom you’re fighting and try to make amends. It might hurt a little initially, but it will provide you with a substantial benefit over the long run.

12. Hang Out With Your Friends and Family

One of the cruelest aspects of anxiety and depression is that they often cause us to push away our friends and family. But when we’re in a poor state of mind, this is the exact opposite of what we should be doing. Instead, we should be bringing our friends and family closer to us.

If you’re currently pushing away those in your life, you should stop immediately and try to arrange a get-together. It might feel totally unnatural to you at the moment. But, if you just fight through the negative feeling, it will almost certainly benefit you in the long run.

Friendship is a vital part of the human experience. It provides us with the emotional support that we humans thrive on.

13. Drink Coffee/Tea

When our mental health is at its lowest, getting up in the morning can feel like jumping across the Grand Canyon. But that doesn’t mean we should just lay in bed all day. In fact, laying in bed will only exacerbate the problem.

Instead, you should do whatever is necessary to get yourself up and going. One of the best ways to facilitate this is to drink a bit of coffee or tea. These caffeine-heavy beverages will provide you with just the kick you need, helping to start your day off on the right foot.

Note, coffee has also been shown to have a positive impact on those suffering from depression. So, if you suffer from depression, in particular, you would be wise to make it a key part of your daily routine.

14. Make Sure Your Diet Is Right

Your diet can have a seismic impact on your overall mental health. If you’re eating nothing but junk food all day, your mind is almost certain to be in the gutter. As such, you need to make sure that your diet is right.

A good diet consists of adequate grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and meat products. These products should be spread evenly throughout each day, comprising breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Though you can have snacks on occasion, you should keep their consumption to a minimum. Yes, junk food will give you a rush of energy initially, but that rush will eventually result in a crash, making you feel awful in the long run.

15. Say No to Modern Technology

Modern technology is beneficial in many ways. However, it also comes with a number of downsides, one of those downsides being its negative impact on mental health. As such, every once in a while, you’re advised to do away with modern technology entirely.

Turn off your phone, put away your laptop, and enjoy the life that surrounds you. Doing so will help you to get away from the stresses of modern life, allowing you to reenergize.

Remember: that text message will be waiting for you. And that TV show can always be watched tomorrow.

16. Take a Bath

Another way to improve your mental health is to take a bath. Pour in some bubbles, detonate a bath bomb, add some Epsom salt, and soak it all in. Doing so is good for both your mind and your body.

Epsom salt is particularly important, as it can help to replenish magnesium in the body. Magnesium levels drop during moments of stress, meaning they need to be replenished on a consistent basis.

17. Take Medication

If the tips above don’t help to improve your mental health, you should consider giving medication a try. There are medications for all sorts of mental illnesses, and many of them have proven very successful for a bevy of individuals.

Speak to your doctor about your condition. He or she might write you a prescription for something on the spot. If not, he or she will likely recommend you to a psychiatrist. Once you begin your appointments with a psychiatrist, you could very well be prescribed medication of some kind.

If you’re looking to buy meds on the cheap, consider our online pharmacy. We sell both generic and name-brand medications, all at prices you can afford.

Improve Your Mental Health With the Help of Medication

As you can see, there are all kinds of things you can do to improve your mental health. But if these tips aren’t helping, there’s something else you can do: turn to medication.

There are all sorts of medications that can help to improve mental health conditions. Whether you’re suffering from high stress, anxiety, depression, or otherwise, there is a medication out there for you.

Interested in buying medications online? You’re in the right place. We here at 90 Day Meds have you covered.

Browse our medications now!



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